For more than two years, Officer Glenn Kornhauser was a friendly face standing at the front doors of Watauga High School on Sunday mornings. He provided both a measure of safety for our worship gatherings while also offering a welcoming presence. Glen and his family are moving to South Carolina, and he sent us a note of appreciation.
Dear members of theHeart,
It's with a sad and heavy heart that I must tell you that I'll be unable to serve as your "Sunday morning police officer" any further. Retirement in December 2019 opened many opportunities, and the Lord is guiding me on a different path.
I was blessed to be allowed to stay on reserve status, so I could continue working with you all until the COVID-19 pandemic caused shelter in place. Since that time and [with] the lowered interest rates, my family and I are in the process of purchasing a home in Chapin, SC. We closed [in May] and expect to move before I can visit and say my goodbyes.
Sunday mornings over the last two and a half years were much more than a job. Everyone at The Heart is so warm and friendly. I felt such a connection with all of you. I feel blessed to be a part of your church family. I pray for your health and prosperity during these troubling times and wish I could be with you all one more time for hugs and handshakes.
Yours in Christ,
Glen Kornhauser