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Engaging the Heart of the High Country

Josh Anderson

Our DNA as a faith community has always been to reach people who identify as unchurched, de-churched, or even post-church. We call it the displaced church. And heading into 2020 we have a clear vision for how we can reach the heart of the High Country with Christ's love. Simple.

The vision statement of theHeart when first established in 2001 included the phrase, “...attracting and ministering to those individuals who have not attended or who currently do not attend church to share God’s love and forgiveness through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.” A bit of a mouthful perhaps, but the heart-felt motivation these many years later remains the same.

Our DNA as a faith community has always been to reach people who identify as unchurched, de-churched, or even post-church.

The Displaced Church

Quite simply stated these are people who feel disconnected from the love of God. We call them the displaced church.

It can be individuals who have turned away from God and fled the Church. Or it can be those who love God but are no longer interested in religion. The displaced church can even be people who are faithful followers of Christ, but still, find themselves disconnected from His Body.

Heading towards the year 2020, we feel a strong sense of calling to boldly step forward into this wilderness as a church family. We are committed to not only strengthen what we’re already doing but also to focus considerable effort on establishing a vibrant ministry of presence in the heart of the High Country. As a church family, we want to move towards those who find themselves hopelessly lost in the wilderness.

Living Stones

God has given us the mission of reconciling people to Himself and one another through Christ’s Love. Simple. And though many of the names and faces at theHeart may have changed over the years, we still believe our mission compels us to embrace the disconnected and remind them of who they truly are in and through Christ:

“As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him—you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”—1 Peter 2:4-5

It is our deep desire to remind people that they are living stones—chosen by God and precious to him—with the divine purpose to build God's kingdom on earth.

Over the next several weeks, we'll share the very specific and tangible ways we hope to live out our vision to share Christ's love with those who feel disconnected from God. Make sure to attend our Sunday Gatherings. Listen to our messages online. Read more on theHeart Blog. And download our new mobile app.

But why wait for that? Right here. Right now. Let's do this together.

How might you come alongside us as we attempt to engage the heart of the High Country? Or perhaps you feel like you're wandering around in the wilderness? How might you boldly reach out to find true and meaningful connections that move you towards God?

The Heart of theHeart

In the teaching below, Pastor Jason passionately addresses our vision and mission for the future of theHeart. This was presented more than one year ago. And we're excited for what God has stirred in theHeart as we look forward to 2020 together.

You can find a comprehensive library of teaching messages from theHeart here. You can also follow us on Podbean, Spotify, and iTunes.


Download theHeart App

Recently we launched our very own mobile app. You can download it today. Simply text "theheart app" to 77977. Now everything you need to be connected and engage with theHeart is available in the palm of your hand.

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